wai-extra- Provides some basic WAI handlers and middleware.

Safe HaskellNone



Some helpers for parsing data out of a raw WAI Request.



parseHttpAccept :: ByteString -> [ByteString]

Parse the HTTP accept string to determine supported content types.

type BackEnd a


 = ByteString

parameter name

-> FileInfo () 
-> IO ByteString 
-> IO a 

A file uploading backend. Takes the parameter name, file name, and a stream of data.

lbsBackEnd :: Monad m => ignored1 -> ignored2 -> m ByteString -> m ByteString

Store uploaded files in memory

tempFileBackEnd :: InternalState -> ignored1 -> ignored2 -> IO ByteString -> IO FilePath

Save uploaded files on disk as temporary files

Note: starting with version 2.0, removal of temp files is registered with the provided InternalState. It is the responsibility of the caller to ensure that this InternalState gets cleaned up.



:: IO FilePath

get temporary directory

-> String

filename pattern

-> InternalState 
-> ignored1 
-> ignored2 
-> IO ByteString 
-> IO FilePath 

Same as tempFileBackEnd, but use configurable temp folders and patterns.

type Param = (ByteString, ByteString)

Post parameter name and value.

type File y = (ByteString, FileInfo y)

Post parameter name and associated file information.

data FileInfo c

Information on an uploaded file.


Eq c => Eq (FileInfo c) 
Show c => Show (FileInfo c) 

parseContentType :: ByteString -> (ByteString, [(ByteString, ByteString)])

Parse a content type value, turning a single ByteString into the actual content type and a list of pairs of attributes.

Since 1.3.2